The Coronavirus pandemic has forced most of us to stay home and social distance ourselves to protect our health. Hanging out in public is no longer an option. On top of that coming in contact with others, especially kissing, can put your health in danger. (Would you believe sex can spread the coronavirus? Check out this Sex and Coronavirus Disease guide.) That means dating outside of the house is definitely not possible right now. So what’s a single lady to do?? Here are a few tips to keep you safe and sane during this really unusual time.


1. Work on your self.


This is a GREAT time to read that book you have put off forever or take an online course. Find ways to improve yourself so that when it’s time to date again you are even more attractive than ever before.


2. Work on that hobby you’ve been putting off.


This is the perfect time to start that garden you’ve been wanting to work on. Or maybe you wanted to learn to knit. Anything that you’ve been wanting to do but never had the time for, now is that time to try it.


3. Finish that home project.


You know the one you have been thinking about. Paint that room or restore that dresser. This is a wonderful time to focus on those projects.


4. Exercise!


I know the gyms are closed however your body still needs to exercise. Do yoga or zumba at home or take some time outside (away from others!) to take a walk or run. Remember exercise boosts your immune system.


5. Connect with family.


Many of us are spending more time than ever before with our children. Do arts & crafts, read books, make videos, or play some board games. Enjoy this time, children are only children for a short time so while it takes more effort to have them home every day, one day they will be all grown up and you’ll never get this time back, so enjoy it.

This is also a good time to reconnect with family who aren’t in your immediate household. Pick up the phone and give them a call.


6. Virtually hang out with friends.


Call your girls. FaceTime for coffee. Have watch parties. Connect with your circle. Technology gives us more ability to be in touch while apart than ever before. Use it! Your social circle is needed in crazy times like this. Support one another through this madness.


7. And last but not least go on a virtual date!


Use FaceTime or another video interface to go on a “date” with the person you are interested in. The same normal date rules apply, first pick a time and date but then make it fun. For example have dinner together, make it a dress up date, costume date, or even a video game date, just be creative and have fun! The point is to spend time getting to know each other. You don’t have to be face to face to do that, you just need to make some time and enjoy each other’s company.

I know this pandemic is stressful but we can all find creative ways to get through it. So remember, stay home and stay healthy!


Want to read more dating blogs? Check out’ Blog. Be sure to also check out Kai’s personal blog at! And, don’t forget to buy the best dating book for women, Date Like A Woman



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